Typography machines are coming
The ship with the machinery for the Typography laboratory is arriving in Djibouti.
The arrival of the Jolly Argento ship in Djibouti is scheduled for this evening or within the next few days. The Typography building, now completed, is waiting for the machinery to start up the workshop. The project is being achieved thanks to the fundamental contribution of Fondazione Prosolidar, which has granted us the financing of the Busajo Campus project: recovery of street boys and girls through professional training. The new typography laboratory – Soddo, Ethiopia – code 668.
FONDAZIONE PROSOLIDAR ENTITY PHILANTROPICO ETS is an organization established in the credit sector for the realization, in Italy and abroad, of solidarity and socially relevant projects, promoting social justice, inclusion and sustainable development. It includes, on an equal footing, all the trade union organizations of the workers of the same sector (through their National Secretariats) as well as, on the employer side, the Italian Banking Association and all the companies that adhere to the Association. It is the first and, at present, the only experience, even at an international level, of an entity desired by the parties in a national collective labor agreement and financed through “match-gifting”, that is, the sharing of the contribution in equal measure between workers and companies. www.fondazioneprosolidar.org